Take your time to adjust to your new hearing aids. Remember, you are hearing sounds that you haven’t heard for a while and they may seem louder at the start of your hearing aid journey.
You will notice “new” sounds that you may not have been aware of recently. Sounds like birds chirping, air conditioners whirring, or various beeps and clicks.
Use your new hearing aids as much as possible, even in quiet environments or one-on-one conversations. The more you use your new hearing aids, the faster your brain will adjust to hearing the sounds again.
You may have to get used to the sound of your own voice. It may sound louder or different while you adjust to your new hearing aids.
It is ok to take off your hearing aids and give your brain a break if you are feeling overwhelmed. Everyone adjusts at different rates and there aren’t any rules when getting used to new hearing aids.
Your hearing aids can help you distinguish between background noise and important sounds you want to hear. During the adjustment period, loud and energetic environments may be a little overwhelming.
Try to sit with your back to the noisier areas.
In a restaurant, choose booth seating to help filter and streamline what you are hearing.
Sit closer to the front of the room for speaking events such as seminars.
Don’t be afraid to ask people to move closer to you or speak more clearly during the adjustment period.
Make your hearing aids a part of your daily routine. This will help them feel like a natural part of your everyday life.
Store your hearing aids in the same place every night. If they are rechargeable, keep the charger in the same location.
Avoid having your hearing aids come in contact with hairspray, and skincare products.
Clean your hearing aids regularly. Your Hearing Instrument Specialist will teach you the basic maintenance required. It sometimes helps to always perform this maintenance on the same day of the week.
Call your Hearing Instrument Specialist if you feel you need an adjustment to the settings or programing of your hearing aid.
Annual hearing tests help keep your hearing aids up to date with your changing hearing needs.